TIFFCP(1)                USER COMMANDS                  TIFFCP(1)

     tiffcp - copy (and possibly convert) a TIFF file

     tiffcp [ options ] src1.tif ... srcN.tif dst.tif

     tiffcp combines one or more files created according  to  the
     Tag Image File Format, Revision 6.0 into a single TIFF file.
     Because the output file may be compressed using a  different
     algorithm than the input files, tiffcp is most often used to
     convert between different compression schemes.

     By default, tiffcp will copy all the understood  tags  in  a
     TIFF  directory of an input file to the associated directory
     in the output file.

     tiffcp can be used to reorganize the storage characteristics
     of  data  in  a  file,  but it is explicitly intended to not
     alter or convert the image data content in any way.

     -c   Specify the compression to use for data written to  the
          output  file:  none  for  no  compression, packbits for
          PackBits  compression,  lzw  for  Lempel-Ziv  &   Welch
          compression, g3 for CCITT Group 3 (T.4) compression, g4
          for CCITT Group 4 (T.6) compression.  By default tiffcp
          will  compress  data  according  to  the  value  of the
          Compression tag found in the source file.

          The CCITT Group 3 and Group  4  compression  algorithms
          can only be used with bilevel data.

          Group 3 compression  can  be  specified  together  with
          several  T.4-specific  options:  1d  for  1-dimensional
          encoding, 2d for 2-dimensional encoding,  and  fill  to
          force  each  encoded scanline to be zero-filled so that
          the terminating EOL  code  lies  on  a  byte  boundary.
          Group  3-specific  options are specified by appending a
          ``:''-separated list to the  ``g3''  option;  e.g.   -c
          g3:2d:fill to get 2D-encoded data with byte-aligned EOL

          LZW compression can be specified together with a  pred-
          ictor  value.  A predictor value of 2 causes each scan-
          line of the output image  to  undergo  horizontal  dif-
          ferencing  before  it  is  encoded; a value of 1 forces
          each  scanline  to  be  encoded  without  differencing.
          LZW-specific  options  are  specified  by  appending  a
          ``:''-separated list to the ``lzw''  option;  e.g.   -c
          lzw:2 for LZW compression with horizontal differencing.

Sun Release 4.1  Last change: September 26, 1994                1

TIFFCP(1)                USER COMMANDS                  TIFFCP(1)

     -f   Specify the bit fill order to  use  in  writing  output
          data.   By  default, tiffcp will create a new file with
          the same fill order as  the  original.   Specifying  -f
          lsb2msb  will  force  data  to be written with the Fil-
          lOrder tag set to LSB2MSB , while -f msb2lsb will force
          data  to  be  written  with  the  FillOrder  tag set to
          MSB2LSB .

     -l   Specify the length  of  a  tile  (in  pixels).   tiffcp
          attempts  to  set  the  tile dimensions so that no more
          than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.

     -p   Specify the planar  configuration  to  use  in  writing
          image  data  that  has  one 8-bit sample per pixel.  By
          default, tiffcp will create a new file  with  the  same
          planar  configuration  as  the original.  Specifying -p
          contig will force data to be written with  multi-sample
          data packed together, while -p separate will force sam-
          ples to be written in separate planes.

     -r   Specify the number of rows (scanlines) in each strip of
          data  written  to  the output file.  By default, tiffcp
          attempts to set the rows/strip  that  no  more  than  8
          kilobytes of data appear in a strip.

     -s   Force the output file to be written with data organized
          in strips (rather than tiles).

     -t   Force the output file to be written wtih data organized
          in  tiles (rather than strips).  options can be used to
          force the resultant image to be written  as  strips  or
          tiles of data, respectively.

     -w   Specify the  width  of  a  tile  (in  pixels).   tiffcp
          attempts  to  set  the  tile dimensions so that no more
          than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.

     The following concatenates two files and writes  the  result
     using LZW encoding:
          tiffcp -c lzw a.tif b.tif result.tif

     To convert a G3 1d-encoded TIFF to a  single  strip  of  G4-
     encoded data the following might be used:
          tiffcp -c g4 -r 10000 g3.tif g4.tif
     (1000 is just a number that is larger  than  the  number  of
     rows in the source file.)

     pal2rgb(1), tiffinfo(1), tiffcmp(1),  tiffmedian(1),  tiffs-
     plit(1), libtiff(3)

Sun Release 4.1  Last change: September 26, 1994                2