INTRO(3T) MISC. REFERENCE MANUAL PAGES INTRO(3T) NAME intro - introduction to libtiff, a library for reading and writing TIFF files SYNOPSIS #include <tiffio.h> cc file.c -ltiff DESCRIPTION Libtiff is a library for reading and writing data files encoded with the Tag Image File format, Revision 6.0 (or revision 5.0 or revision 4.0). This file format is suitable for archiving multi-color and monochromatic image data. The library supports several compression algorithms, as indicated by the Compression field, including: no compres- sion (1), CCITT 1D Huffman compression (2), CCITT Group 3 Facsimile compression (3), CCITT Group 4 Facsimile compres- sion (4), Lempel-Ziv & Welch compression (5), word-aligned 1D Huffman compression (32771), and PackBits compression (32773). In addition, several nonstandard compression algo- rithms are supported: the 4-bit compression algorithm used by the ThunderScan program (32809) (decompression only), and NeXT's 2-bit compression algorithm (32766) (decompression only). Directory information may be in either little- or big-endian byte order-byte swapping is automatically done by the library. Data bit ordering may be either Most Signifi- cant Bit (MSB) to Least Significant Bit (LSB) or LSB to MSB. Finally, the library does not support files in which the BitsPerSample, Compression, MinSampleValue, or MaxSam- pleValue fields are defined differently on a per-sample basis (in Rev. 6.0 the Compression tag is not defined on a per-sample basis, so this is immaterial). DATA TYPES The library makes extensive use of C typedefs to promote portability. Two sets of typedefs are used, one for commun- ication with clients of the library and one for internal data structures and parsing of the TIFF format. The follow- ing typedefs are exposed to users either through function definitions or through parameters passed through the varargs interfaces. typedef unsigned short uint16; 16-bit unsigned integer typedef unsigned <thing> uint32; 32-bit unsigned integer typedef unsigned int ttag_t; directory tag typedef uint16 tdir_t; directory index typedef uint16 tsample_t; sample number typedef uint32 tstrip_t; strip number typedef uint32 ttile_t; tile number typedef int32 tsize_t; i/o size in bytes typedef void* tdata_t; image data ref Sun Release 4.1 Last change: February 14, 1992 1 INTRO(3T) MISC. REFERENCE MANUAL PAGES INTRO(3T) typedef void* thandle_t; client data handle typedef int32 toff_t; file offset Note that tstrip_t, ttile_t, and tsize_t are constrained to be no more than 32-bit quantities by 32-bit fields they are stored in in the TIFF image. Likewise tsample_t is limited by the 16-bit field used to store the SamplesPerPixel tag. tdir_t constrains the maximum number of IFDs that may appear in an image and may be an arbitrary size (w/o penalty). ttag_t must be either int, unsigned int, pointer, or double because the library uses a varargs interface and ANSI C res- tricts the type of the parameter before an ellipsis to be a promoted type. toff_t is defined as int32 because TIFF file offsets are (unsigned) 32-bit quantities. A signed value is used because some interfaces return -1 on error. Finally, note that user-specified data references are passed as opaque handles and only cast at the lowest layers where their type is presumed. LIST OF ROUTINES The following routines are available. Consult specific manual pages for details on their operation. (The manual page names give here are for systems where the full function names can not be encoded in the filesystem; on most systems doing ``man function-name'' will work.) Name Appears on Page Description TIFFCheckTile tile.3t very x,y,z,sample is within image TIFFClientOpen open.3t open a file for reading or writing TIFFClose close.3t close an open file TIFFComputeStrip strip.3t return strip containing y,sample TIFFComputeTile tile.3t return tile containing x,y,z,sample TIFFCurrentDirectory query.3t return index of current directory TIFFCurrentRow query.3t return index of current scanline TIFFCurrentStrip query.3t return index of current strip TIFFCurrentTile query.3t return index of current tile TIFFError error.3t library error handler TIFFFdOpen open.3t open a file for reading or writing TIFFFileName query.3t return name of open file TIFFFileno query.3t return open file descriptor TIFFFlush flush.3t flush all pending writes TIFFFlushData flush.3t flush pending data writes TIFFGetBitRevTable swab.3t return bit reversal table TIFFGetField getfield.3t return tag value in current directory TIFFGetFieldDefaulted getfield.3t return tag value in current directory TIFFGetMode query.3t return open file mode TIFFGetVersion query.3t return library version string TIFFIsTiled query.3t return true if image data is tiled TIFFIsByteSwapped query.3t return true if image data is byte-swapped TIFFNumberOfStrips strip.3t return number of strips in an image TIFFNumberOfTiles tile.3t return number of tiles in an image TIFFOpen open.3t open a file for reading or writing TIFFPrintDirectory print.3t print description of the current directory Sun Release 4.1 Last change: February 14, 1992 2 INTRO(3T) MISC. REFERENCE MANUAL PAGES INTRO(3T) TIFFReadBufferSetup rdbuf.3t specify i/o buffer for reading TIFFReadDirectory readdir.3t read the next directory TIFFReadEncodedStrip rdestrip.3t read and decode a strip of data TIFFReadEncodedTile rdetile.3t read and decode a tile of data TIFFReadRawStrip rdrstrip.3t read a raw strip of data TIFFReadRawTile rdrtile.3t read a raw tile of data TIFFReadRGBAImage rdimage.3t read an image into a fixed format raster TIFFReadScanline readline.3t read and decode a row of data TIFFReadTile readtile.3t read and decode a tile of data TIFFReverseBits swab.3t reverse bits in an array of bytes TIFFScanlineSize size.3t return size of a scanline TIFFSetDirectory setdir.3t set the current directory TIFFSetErrorHandler error.3t set error handler function TIFFSetField setfield.3t set a tag's value in the current directory TIFFSetWarningHandler error.3t set warning handler function TIFFStripSize size.3t return size of a strip TIFFSwabShort swab.3t swap bytes of short TIFFSwabLong swab.3t swap bytes of long TIFFSwabArrayOfShort swab.3t swap bytes of an array of shorts TIFFSwabArrayOfLong swab.3t swap bytes of an array of longs TIFFTileRowSize size.3t return size of a row in a tile TIFFTileSize size.3t return size of a tile TIFFVGetField getfield.3t return tag value in current directory TIFFVGetFieldDefaulted getfield.3t return tag value in current directory TIFFVSetField setfield.3t set a tag's value in the current directory TIFFWarning warning.3t library warning handler TIFFWriteDirectory writedir.3t write the current directory TIFFWriteEncodedStrip wrestrip.3t compress and write a strip of data TIFFWriteEncodedTile wretile.3t compress and write a tile of data TIFFWriteRawStrip wrrstrip.3t write a raw strip of data TIFFWriteRawTile wrrtile.3t write a raw tile of data TIFFWriteScanline writeline.3t write a scanline of data TIFFWriteTile wrrtile.3t compress and write a tile of data TAG USAGE The table below lists the TIFF tags that are recognized and handled by the library. If no use is indicated in the table, then the library reads and writes the tag, but does not use it internally. Tag Name Value R/W Library's Use Artist 315 R/W BadFaxLines 326 R/W BitsPerSample 258 R/W lots CellLength 265 parsed but ignored CellWidth 264 parsed but ignored CleanFaxData 327 R/W ColorMap 320 R/W ColorResponseUnit 300 parsed but ignored Compression 259 R/W choosing compression routines ConsecutiveBadFaxLines 328 R/W DataType 32996 R Sun Release 4.1 Last change: February 14, 1992 3 INTRO(3T) MISC. REFERENCE MANUAL PAGES INTRO(3T) DateTime 306 R/W DocumentName 269 R/W DotRange 336 R/W ExtraSamples 338 R/W lots FillOrder 266 R/W control bit order FreeByteCounts 289 parsed but ignored FreeOffsets 288 parsed but ignored GrayResponseCurve 291 parsed but ignored GrayResponseUnit 290 parsed but ignored Group3Options 292 R/W used by Group 3 code Group4Options 293 R/W HostComputer 316 R/W ImageDepth 32997 R/W tile/strip calculations ImageDescription 270 R/W ImageLength 257 R/W lots ImageWidth 256 R/W lots InkNames 333 R/W InkSet 332 R/W JPEGACTables 521 R/W JPEG code JPEGDCTables 520 R/W JPEG code JPEGProc 512 R/W JPEG code JPEGQRestartInterval 515 R/W JPEG code JPEGQTables 519 R/W JPEG code Make 271 R/W Matteing 32995 R MaxSampleValue 281 R/W MinSampleValue 280 R/W Model 272 R/W NewSubFileType 254 R/W (called SubFileType) Orientation 274 R/W PageName 285 R/W PageNumber 297 R/W PhotometricInterpretation 262 R/W Group 3 and JPEG code PlanarConfiguration 284 R/W data i/o Predictor 317 R/W used by LZW code PrimaryChromacities 319 R/W ReferenceBlackWhite 532 R/W ResolutionUnit 296 R/W RowsPerStrip 278 R/W data i/o SampleFormat 339 R/W SamplesPerPixel 277 R/W lots Software 305 R/W StripByteCounts 279 R/W data i/o StripOffsets 273 R/W data i/o SubFileType 255 R/W (called OSubFileType) TargetPrinter 337 R/W Thresholding 263 R/W TileByteCounts 324 R/W data i/o TileDepth 32998 R/W tile/strip calculations TileLength 323 R/W data i/o TileOffsets 324 R/W data i/o TileWidth 322 R/W data i/o Sun Release 4.1 Last change: February 14, 1992 4 INTRO(3T) MISC. REFERENCE MANUAL PAGES INTRO(3T) TransferFunction 301 R/W WhitePoint 318 R/W XPosition 286 R/W XResolution 282 R/W YCbCrCoefficients 529 R/W used by TIFFReadRGBAImage YCbCrPositioning 531 R/W tile/strip size calulcations YCbCrSubsampling 530 R/W YPosition 286 R/W YResolution 283 R/W used by Group 3 2d encoding DIAGNOSTICS All error messages are directed through the TIFFError rou- tine. By default messages are directed to stderr in the form: module: message\n. Warning messages are likewise directed through the TIFFWarning routine. SEE ALSO fax2tiff(1), gif2tiff(1), pal2rgb(1), ppm2tiff(1), rgb2ycbcr(1), ras2tiff(1), sgi2tiff(1), tiff2bw(1), tiff- dither(1), tiffdump(1), tiffcp(1), tiffcmp(1), tiffgt(1), tiffinfo(1), tiffmedian(1), tiffsplit(1), tiffsv(1), Tag Image File Format Specification - Revision 6.0, an Aldus Technical Memorandum, to be released. The Spirit of TIFF Class F, an appendix to the TIFF 5.0 specification prepared by Cygnet Technologies. Appendix ALPHA: Associated Alpha Information, a proposed appendix to the TIFF 6.0 specification. BUGS The library does not support multi-sample images where some samples have different bits/sample. It is not possible to overwrite the contents of a strip with TIFFWriteEncodedStrip or TIFFWriteRawStrip since they append to a strip. Likewise, TIFFWriteEncodedTile and TIFFWri- teRawTile append to a tile. The library does not support random access to compressed data that is organized with more than one row per tile or strip. The library discards unknown tags. The library should do more validity checking of a directory's contents. Sun Release 4.1 Last change: February 14, 1992 5